Before the big event, the wedding, it is important to organize a Save The Date session with the bride and groom. This allows us to interact with them and get them used to the photography. In the case of Dali and Paul, this session took place at Prestigio Events in Brasov.
Aceasta sedinta Save The Date este esentiala pentru a ne asigura ca fotografiile din ziua nuntii vor fi impecabile. Permitandu-le mirilor sa se obisnuiasca cu prezenta camerei si cu pozitionarea, putem sa obtinem fotografii naturale si autentice.
Here are some photos of Dali and Paul, showing us how they felt in this session. I hope it inspires you and gives you ideas for your Save The Date session.

A civil wedding under rainy skies: the love story of Philip and Claudia

Inspiration, learning, creativity: Wedding photography workshop

Cosmin and Irina: The love story of Ponoarele, Mehedinti

What could be more beautiful than an Autumn Photo Shoot in Bucovina?